Convert here. I was a non-denominational Christian before converting and what really drew me was a succession of things. I was struggling with trying to reason my way into the Catholic faith as my new husband, Joseph, was Catholic. Mary was a huge obstacle. After much prayer and doubt about the whole process God whispered softly “Do you trust me?” And that was the end of the debate and the beginning of my journey. God truly took care of everything.

My sponsor into the Church was getting her doctoral degree on Mary at the theology school we were living in (my husband was getting his master there). Then as I entered the Church I was 5 months pregnant with my son, and in the confessional the priest and I spoke about Mary, and Joseph and their trust in God despite everything. It was beautiful and I’ll remember it for the rest of my life.

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"Oh, you have a problem with Mary? Let me send you someone that can help with that."

I'm doing the consecration to St. Joseph and it is increasing my love for Mary, and the Holy Family.

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That’s pretty much how it went t 🤣 And that’s awesome! What has been most surprising about it so far? I did the Marian consecration and I was blown away by the tenderness with which Mary guides us to her son.

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Cradle Catholic here who definitely went through my own phases... Before my Confirmation, I personally decided to research Catholicism versus other religions. I tend to be skeptical or maybe I should say "open to possibilities" - so that was an important step for nerdy teen me.

I hope in the future more cradle Catholics are educated about the RCIA process so that the special moments in the congregation with the Catechumens, Elect, Candidates, aren't just "boring extra stuff" but intentional moments of prayer for the whole community.

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