I'm sorry you struggle with scrupulosity. I was on the fence about adding that question and I should've not included it. If you think about it, one of the precepts of the Church is to make ONE good confession a year during Lent. That's the bare minimum. But hopefully everyone approaches the Lord's Mercy as often as they deem necessary.

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Actually, the precept of the Church is merely to confess our sins once a year. The Church doesn’t stipulate when that should be. We must receive Holy Communion at least once during the Easter time (Ash Wednesday through Trinity Sunday), but our Confession may be at any time during the year. Of course, it’s definitely a sacrament that should be received much more often than once a year (my priest encourages us to attend at least once a month), but once a year is the absolute bare minimum, as you said.

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I try to go to confession monthly just to keep myself in check

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Me too, though I think this time it is likely to be 6 weeks for me.

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Great post, thanks. I also find interacting with others exhausting. I do one networking meeting every fortnight and that is enough! What I notice after my years of working alone at home is that small talk is just utterly boring and pointless to me now, so much so that I do have to actively force myself to do it.

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I'm glad I'm not the only one. Stay strong!

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I don't even know Oliver, but I'm very proud of him! I'm also proud of you for being a great Dad and teaching him how to discern when to go to confession.

I don't usually tell people how often I go to confession because I'm scrupulous (struggle against compulsive tendencies). I've been advised that scrupulous people have different standards than others for frequency of the sacrament in terms of staying healthy. That's why I appreciate when people learn not to throw around standards of practice as universal norms. We're all different!

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Scrupulosity is a difficult cross to bear. Please be assured of my prayers for you. St. Alphonsus de Liguori, pray for us!

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I didn’t know about the scrupulosity of St. Alphonsus de Liguori. His intercession is good to know in that area. Thanks!

This is funny timing because last night I introduced Walther to my cat who is named AlphonsHISS LaPURRY. My cat doesn’t have scruples tho. He is a murderer of lizards, birds, rats, mice, bunnies and he even got a gigantic grand squirrel last year! He is bringing them into the house less so that is good. He is hopefully closer to the path of holyHISS 😜.

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Good old Phons.

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Thank you so much; that means a lot. Saint Alphonsus is a great friend who has helped me over the years. There is always hope!

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1. As an Antiochian Orthodox Christian, I go to confession once a month, but I understand why some other Orthodox jurisdictions require it weekly, or at least before participating in the Eucharist. Just had confession this morning!

2. Small talk does not come naturally to me! But I’m an introvert so most social engagement exhausts me.

3. We Orthodox are on the edge of Holy Week so it is church, church and more church for me this weekend. Tonight compline; Saturday morning Divine Liturgy (Saturday of Souls), with Vespers in the evening; and Sunday morning Divine Liturgy, and Sunday evening being the start of Holy Week with the first Bridegroom Orthros.

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Happy (almost) Pascha!

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I love a good small talk session...and I hope this weekend is quiet! We have a few very busy weekends coming up!

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We do!? I need to look at the calendar.

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James’ school gala is this weekend! So we’ll be livin’ it up 😂

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