I'm very intrigued by this bev - but I've always been so-so about port. But if it's Walther-approved, I'm game to give it a try!

Ah, the busy-ness...you know what I really find this year is that my love for contemplative disciplines can easily BECOME the busy-ness. I love Advent books, and I can easily over-do it with too many resources, turning a season of trimming-down into a season of craziness!

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UPDATE: I made my first batch of Negus, and it delightful. Definitely should try it out.

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I'm not big into port either BUT if it is for historical literary exploration I may be.

Ah yes, I understand that temptation. Less is more? I'm saying this to myself as much as I would say it others.

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I had a twist on that cocktail for thanksgiving. Port Manhattan. Port, rye whiskey and orange bitters.

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My favorite riff on the Manhattan may be a Black Manhattan where you use Averna Amaro instead of Sweet Vermouth. But the Port Manhattan sounds interesting. We should get together and have a Manhattan off.

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Yes! I’ve been on a bulleit rye whiskey cocktail journey.

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Dude, I'm glad I helped get you thinking about some interesting stuff!

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I got good at saying no to things in college. I'm not sure what really prompted that other than feeling I was stretching myself thin and found myself aggravated frequently. Once I remembered that I don't have to say yes to every single thing I'm asked to do, I started saying no. It's easier now with kids as I can just say no to whatever it is that's not going to benefit us all.

I'm only a perfectionist when it comes to music. If I'm playing the drums and mess up, that bothers me. Otherwise I'm okay to fail and try again.

Thankfully, I got back on the horse too! Thanksgiving didn't do much damage because I started working out/ running three days a week before Thanksgiving and really watched my portions.

I'll be picking up "Ignatius: founder of the Jesuits" by St. Lawrence from my library today so I'm hyped about that.

And I would love to try Negus. Sounds like a very rich and flavorful drink!

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Learning to discern what to say yes and no to is very Ignatian already. Look at you! I'm going on a spiritual exercises retreat this afternoon, that's a fun coincidence.

Good for you on the running. I squeezed in another BJJ class last and I was cramping up bad before bed. Apparently I'm not drinking enough water or electrolytes.

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Congratulations to be a part of the procession. That looked to be some experience. And busyness; good on you for setting some boundaries!

Slow busy(!)

Threw perfectionism under the bus!

Extra weight-I hope so!

The Truth and Beauty-Andrew Klavan.

Like to try. 🍷

Thanks Walther!

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I haven’t made this drink before but have been meaning to tag you--we went to a spiked eggnog mixing party last weekend and it was so fun and so delicious! I’d never made it before but we came away with almost a gallon and a half 😂😂

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'Tis the season, for sure.

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