1. What motivates me is trying to be strong and healthy for my kids. I remember having a mom who was obese and how hard that was on her which turned out to be hard on my brother and I in different ways. You’re on the right track!!

2. Ramen is pure nostalgia for me and I do enjoy it but cannot tell you the last time I had it. We don’t keep it in the house because we’ll eat all of it.

3. This is the month to do it!! It’s tho month of the Holy Rosary so make your health an intention and cover it in prayer!

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That's a great reminder. Thank you for that, Daniel.

I like the "fancier" ramen that comes in the big bowls and sometimes is extra spicy.

How did I not think to link this to the rosary? Great idea.

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Focus on carbs, stay away from fresh fruit. Once you lose weight, then you can gradually introduce other things. I lost 35 lbs in Five months via Phd Weight Loss. Excellent program, sensible. Carb management is what counts.

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That's amazing, good job!

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You CAN make october your comeback month! MAD RESPECT for the public reporting Walther. This is tremendous, and even getting on this wagon is important. Youre motivating me to be diligent myself and to make exercise a real priority. Ill join you and report in when i get home!

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I forgot to report in yesterday so reporting in today. Im at 240 and aiming at 190. When the power comes back im gonna figure out my exercise life. When you post a heavyweights update ill comment my update too.

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1. I’ve always been a fitness freak 🤣 I’m actually (very much so) considering becoming a personal trainer and coach!

2. I don’t like Ramen, but I love Pho! I think it’s because I hate processed foods that eating Ramen makes me more sick.

3. You can hit your goals!!! Keep after it! We’re your audience now as well!

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ugh, you're one of those...jk the world needs people like you to help people like me.

Pho is phontastic.

Thank you for the encouragement!

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